Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mountain Lodge

sentinel- a person stationed to keep watch
dissever- to seperate
musker- street musician, performer
halcyon- undisturbed, peaceful
libation- the act of pouring liquid as a sacrifice
alfresco- outdoors
sui generis- unique
blackguard- scoundrel`zeitgeist- spirit of the time
peccadillo- small offense, misdemeanor

My nostrils, a constant sentinel, dissever from my eyes what i see and what i know to be. Those halcyon scents of swirling pine, alfresco of my wooden borders. Yet my fear of libation that would be sure to come from my woodland frolic, i blame the zeitgeist and the peccadillo becomes an anvil on my shoulders. The sweet allure of muskers and their flowing vibrations reveals an even greater siren. Sui generis situations. Frigid lovely. I sit a blackguard to nothingness, so i feel the forewarning of a cold door handle. A blur of green and ice, yet ever so deifinitive.


APLITghosts said...

interesting. definitely sensory oriented. i know enough. thanks. - elmeer

APLITghosts said...

separate btw. with an "a"...