Friday, February 20, 2009

the hideous butter and how veggies saved the day... or did they?

I looked to mother, eyes desiring butter
She merely looked at the plate and saw all the green
Her disposition stood in its usual uniform
No matter how much my eyes would scrunch
She commanded me to no further loiter
My mouth must now become unfastened

I soon found that my pants had to be unfastened
Even before I tasted the delicious butter
I indeed did refrain from the usual loiter
On the dish there lay no sign of green
My mother's mouth no longer in a scrunch
Her pose in quite a different manner than the uniform

But I soon find myself leaving from the uniform
My ignorant heart now had it's lock unfastened
With tears, my eyes now began to scrunch
I had forgotten all about that beloved butter
My teeth now lined with green
This new passion for veggies would not loiter

I now found that no part of my body could loiter
It took a better form than the previous, sluggish uniform
All thanks to my little new friends of green
My tight joints were now oiled and unfastened
No thanks to that hideous, sluggish butter
I would no longer squat before a screen and cause my eyes to scrunch

My mother too, soon lost her wrinkles from the usual scrunch
She never had to remind me not to loiter
We no longer kept any butter
Her pose never returned to the earlier uniform
Various veggies were the key that caused our lives to become unfastened
Those brilliant hues of green

In my eyes, mind, body, all that lies is green
Yet again my body would scrunch
As I found all my confidence had become unfastened
My mind once more began to loiter
Eyes returning to old, glazed uniform
I returned to the thought of butter

All stature unfastened, could not manifest green
Butter was the gold for which my guts would scrunch
Yet I did not loiter now, nothing comes from uniform

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

I like this. You should see if you could sell this poem to weight watchers.The voice is funny. Why is Hitler still there? I have heard that he was a vegetarian. All for killing people but not animals I guess...anyway, it goes with the eat your veggies message in an odd way. - elmeer